YEP Lab October News

Autumn days are here again! With the fall term in full swing, the YEP Lab has been making strides and advancing our work! Since last month, our lab has been interviewing educators nationwide, growing our lab personnel, and presenting our research.

October News:

  • Welcome to the lab Dylan Clark! Dylan is an undergraduate student at the University of Oregon and will be working on our “Mapping the Civics Education Landscape” project.

  • Presentation: Dr. Sherry Bell delivered a presentation titled "Advocating for positive social change: The interplay between youth civic engagement, health determinants, and social connections" at the Psychology Colloquium at the University of Oregon.

  • Presentation: Kate Kulyk delivered a presentation titled "Exploring predictors of hopefulness in LGBTQ emerging adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic" for the First Year Research Presentations at the University of Oregon.

  • Presentation: Dr. Sherry Bell delivered a presentation titled "Navigating health in a digital era: A community-based approach to understanding the factors that influence the resilience of middle-aged and older men who have sex with men to HIV/AIDS" at the 2nd Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium at the Oregon Health Science University, Portland OR.

  • Presentation: Raquel Amador presented her grant proposal “Exploring neighborhood characteristics as influences on perceived STEM opportunities for underserved youth” for the Diversity Science Area meeting at the University of Oregon.

  • New Study: The YEP Lab has launched a new study and is actively seeking participants for, “Exploring LGBTQ youth identity and barriers to community-based program participation and development”. Click here to participate or learn more.


YEP Lab November News


YEP Lab September News