YEP Lab November News

Finals week is just around the corner! We have had a very productive quarter in the YEP Lab. From our 60+ Mapping the Civics Education Landscape interviews, our team has been working diligently to clean and organize our data.

November News:

  • Lab Social: To celebrate our lab work from this quarter, the YEP Lab gathered at our local ice cream shop for an enjoyable time together. Thank you to our great team!

  • Grant Submission: Raquel Amador has submitted a grant proposal to the CERA Action for Racial Justice and Equity Fund to support her project, Exploring neighborhood characteristics as influences on perceived STEM opportunities for underserved youth.

  • Award: Dr. Sherry Bell received a poster award for her poster presentation titled "Navigating health in a digital era: A community-based approach to understanding the factors that influence the resilience of middle-aged and older men who have sex with men to HIV/AIDS" at the 2nd Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium at the Oregon Health Science University, Portland OR.


YEP Lab December News


YEP Lab October News